Tuesday, July 26, 2005

This is my first attempt at this. Don't make fun

Hi everyone! My friend "Drew" said I should have a blog. And then my friend "Devora" said she agrees. Then, my friend "Yehuda" said that my train of thought has left the station and the cars are not attached to eachother. So I'm dedicating this to "them". Their names are in quotes b/c that's not really their names. I wouldn't post actual names on the interenet......b/c I don't want someone to be able to find them.....and this makes it harder.....
I have a lot of random thoughts. Ya know that first Rashi in Parshat Behar where he says "mah inyan shmita etzel Har Sinai?" (what does the mitzvah of Shmita have to with the fact that b'nei yisrael were near Har Sinai?) So that's my life; a bunch of random thoughts. Hey, that could be my yearbook quote.....if I had a yearbook.....hmm..... (and then Rashi answers his question and explains what the pasuk means. I don't think it's relevant to my life. If I knew the rest of the Rashi, I'd be able to tell you for sure. Maybe I'll go look that up....). And that was my Dvar Torah for the night.
So my 2 friends up there said I should have a blog and post all my random thoughts. Like today, I was at work and I turned to "Devora" and said "I'm hungry. I think someone stole my commas." Of course now I don't have any....random thoughts.....and commas....but that's irrelevant. Isn't that ironic? That I don't have any random thoughts right now......unlike that song, where nothing is actually ironic. That song is just a series of unfortunate events.....like Lemony Snicket.....didn't see the movie..... Maybe she called it "isn't it ironic" b/c then the title would be ironic. But I'm not here to analyze Alanis Morriset. I can't even spell her name! Anyways, but Yo-Ya is all ironic stuff. Maybe Alanis should meet Poogy. What's Poogy?! Poogy is the Israeli dude who sings Yo-Ya. I think that's enough for the first post. Let me leave you with this thought. Mountain Dew is neither a mountain nor dew. (but it does taste like canteloup juice). discuss.....


At 7/26/2005 9:35 AM, Blogger Devora:-) said...

Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging!

At 7/26/2005 4:52 PM, Blogger Drew Kaplan said...

Yay, Arona! Thanks for taking the idea up AND crediting "me". Look forward to more random Arona musings - or is that Aronamusings? - Ok, and now, look what I've done - I've signed up for my own blog....

At 8/10/2005 11:21 AM, Blogger MooseCowLemur said...

Oh yeah blog a blog a blog blog


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