Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Some people are such idiots

About 2 years ago, my roommate set me up with a guy. He took me to Toys 'R' Us on the first date and bought me Operation. It was a really fun date. For the second date, we were gonna go to a football game on some sunday in December. I was very excited to go to a football game. But that sunday it snowed a lot - and they never cancel football games. But I was starting a new job that monday and he wanted me to meet him in Midtown but I dind't want to take a chance and get sick or something right before my first day at a new job. So I called him up and explained that to him. I said it's not that I don't want to go, but I just don't think it's a good idea that day. He was very understanding and it was all fine. Until....about 10 minutes later, he called me back and said, "Not to make you feel bad, but I'm still going to the game". Ok. Go have fun. What do I care. Then he continued and said "and to make you feel bad, I called my friend and said what are you doing today and he said not so much and I said you wanna go to a football game and he said I'll be ready in 10 minutes". I thought to myself why on this planet was that necessary. So I chalked it up to the fact that guys are jerks.....which was further proven when he didn't call me and then he finally did call me to apologize for not calling but that apology phone call was 3am.
I slowly forgot about him until he IM'd me today "call me call me". I was shocked and wondering why is he out of the blue wanting to talk to me. so I wrote back "what's your phone number?" and he wrote it back to me. I had my hand on the phone and I asked my friend what I should do and I was about to call him, when his next IM said "wait who is this? sruly?"


At 5/05/2006 12:15 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry Arona, but my 1st response in my head was "BASTARD!"

At 8/22/2007 3:53 PM, Blogger Liz the Great said...

Oh. My. God



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