Sunday, July 20, 2008

Green Eggs and Chulent

Did you hear? Did you hear?
The next kiddush is drawing near.

Did you see? Can it be?
Someone planted a cholent tree!

Someone planted a tree so neat
For the next kiddush for us to eat.

Cholent, you know, is not free.
Cholent does cost some money.

Will you sponsor our cholent tree?
Will you sponsor, Sam-You-Be?

I will not sponsor your cholent tree.
I will not sponsor, Sam-I-Be.

But you could sponsor with a knife.
Or you could sponsor for your wife.

I would not, could not with a knife.
I would not, could not for my wife.

I will not sponsor your cholent tree.
I will not sponsor, Sam-I-Be.

You could sponsor for your birthday,
Or for any special day.

Will you sponsor our cholent tree?
Will you sponsor, Sam-You-Be?

I would not, could not for my birthday.
I would not, could not for any day!

I will not sponsor your cholent tree.
I will not sponsor, Sam-I-Be.

Would you sponsor for your friend?
Or maybe to make this poem end?

Will you sponsor our cholent tree?
Will you sponsor, Sam-You-Be?

I would not, could not with a knife.
I would not, could not for my wife.
I will not sponsor for a friend,
although I do want this poem to end!
I will not sponsor for my birthday
I will not sponsor, now go away!

I will not sponsor your cholent tree!
I will not sponsor, Sam-I-Be.

Oh Sam-You-Be, Oh Sam, you see
the kiddush costs a lot of money.

If we don't raise enough money,
then the kiddush can not be.

Oh won't you sponsor our cholent tree?
Oh won't you sponsor it, Sam-You-Be?

You could, you should be a sponsor
in your very very own honor

Won't you sponsor our cholent tree?
Oh won't you sponsor, Sam-You-Be?

That is a great idea I see
to sponsor in honor of li'l ol' me.

Of course I'll sponsor your cholent tree!
Of course I'll sponsor, Sam-I-Be.

Oh thank you, thank you Sam-You-Be!
for generously sponsoring the cholent tree
You'll fill the shul with so much glee

And that's the end of our story.

So if you're like Sam, or if you're not,
You could sponsor the whole lot.

Or you could sponsor part of the food
However much you're in the mood.

And this kiddush will be hot :)
Special for this Mevarchim Shabbat

But we all know cholent doesn't really grow on trees
and that is why we are asking you for money.

So just go to the website and click away (
So you can be the next sponsor Today!

(Also if you could reply to me)
(Very helpful, that would be)

And in advance, thanx a lot
We look forward to eating cholent with you this Shabbat!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Small Parts

If there are no small parts, only small actors, then shouldn't toy boxes say "This toy contains small actors. Not intended for children under 3 years old" ???

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Even God needs a vacation sometimes....

In honor of July 4th, and also I haven't posted in a while, I will share with you an interesting call I get sometimes around the legal holidays.

Me: "Hello synagogue office, How may I help you?"
Caller: "is this the synagogue?"
Me: "yes it is. How may I help you?"
C: Are you going to be having regular Shabbat services on July 4th weekend?"
Me: "yes we are. Every shabbat, regular services"
C: "Oh well I was just wondering b/c it's a holiday weekend and all..."
Me: "Yes....well God doesn't take a vacation. so yes, regular services"
C: "ok great. Thank you."
Me: "you're welcome"

Happy 4th!