Terrace Problems - 2018 picture
מה ענין שמיטה אצל הר סיני? רשי, ויקרא כה:א
I've decided to start a new blog. I like this one. But it's time for a new one. Check it out - "The Wrong Side of the Mechitza" - just stories about my life, my thoughts, how I seem to always get into some sort of trouble. (Get into...cause...it's a fine line.) Check it out. Feel free to comment. Enjoy!
Where have all the roommates gone and where are all the girls?
Imagine there's no kiddush
I can’t fight these emails any longer
Just a small town girl
So after driving last night for 2 1/2 hours in the horrible snow storm on a trip that normally takes 45 minutes - Thank you MB for amazing driving and Thank God for us getting home safely, I woke up this morning and thought "What is the stupidest thing I could possibly do today b/c I want to do that." The answer is leave my warm apt and go to work. Then I thought "How am I gonna get to the upper east side??" Normally I take a bus but I'm not really That stupid and that is soooo not happening today. I went on the MTA website and it basically said "Stay home, idiot!" "Eh", I thought. "It's just a suggestion. Whatever." So I decided to go to work. Why waste a vacation day? So here's what I did:
I'll tell a tale (tale tale tale)
This coming Tuesday, November the 2